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第189章 寒战

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杨玥发出去的《hey jude》,披头士乐队保罗麦卡特尼

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.

And couldn’t more than believe me

Oh what they chosen washing apart


You are~ hands never go down

You are~ you are no more so ok

You are loader, and golden the crown

If be true road I will stand through

So I don’t forget what you do

Oh you known

Yeah U R

Till the flash game I known they would be again

All the fun they more than be the truth

You’re my sun

Yeah U R Oh U R

U R Oh U R


Then tell thee a true world

I bow a rainbow good day, keep until being true

Touch bsp;until they stop

Yet they never down

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